Indian fashion sequin shoulder bags, Kashmiri suede purses, colorful long tie-die skirts, w/ mirrors, bells, and exquisite jewelry
Great prices on exquisite Indian long skirts, sequin shoulder bags, fashion designer jewelry, embroidered tunics and jamawar kashmiri shawls
Best Value at Best Prices for Indian skirts and Kashmiri hand-bags and stolls, shawls, beautiful jewelry

Gypsy Wrap Around Short Skirt in Patchwork with Snap Waist, Sun Glow Patchwork Snap Wrap Short Skirt
Sun Glow Patchwork Snap Wrap Short Skirt
Gypsy Wrap Around Short Skirt in Patchwork with Snap Waist
A handmade 15 inches short wrap skirt in an earthy patchwork of green and brown with helio embroidery. The snap button wrap has a fanny pack on the waist - useful for carrying small items - from keys and cash to credit card. This skirt has belt waist that features snap closures for flexibility and adjustment.

Sun Glow Patchwork Snap Wrap Short Skirt

Sold Out Sold Out 36.99

Polkadot Inc: Sale on Indian fashion sequin shoulder bags, colorful long skirts - tie-dye, mirrors, bells, gypsy hippy style and exquisite jewelry

Check out our Kashmiri hand crafted embroidered suede Bags

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